As trusted advisors, we work closely with the senior level of organisations to provide frank advice, from filling in gaps in knowledge of government decision-making to acting as a sounding board for new or complex ideas.
Building meaningful relationships and mutual understanding ensures that you are informed about change that may affect you. Know your stakeholders and own that change.
Stakeholder Map
Stakeholder Audit
Engagement Resourcing
Advocate Training
Engagement Delivery
How and why are things changing, what is the appetite for change within a broader environment, and how can you target your efforts to achieve most impact? Understanding the state of play is important to achieve your goals.
Policy Analysis
Situational Analysis
Position Development
Policy Submission
Regulation/Legislation Reform
Business Case
Strategic communications
Ineffective, inconsistent or a lack of communication affects an organisation’s ability to proactively influence policy and can impact on your social license to operate. Develop systems to deliver consistent messaging and build the profile of your organisation.
Communications Strategy
Corporate Style Guide
Key Message Development
Collateral Development/Review
Major Announcement Advice
With so many government grant and incentive programs, it’s hard to know where limited personnel and resources should be directed for maximum value. Get in early and bring stakeholders along the journey with you.
Financial Sustainability Review
Funding Partnerships Support
Changes in government decision making and the continual evolution of policies and programs creates uncertainty. Ensuring risk management is considered in all organisational activities.
Risk Insights
Risk Review
Risk Planning
Risk Management
FPL Advisory builds capability within organisations through the rollout of regular training sessions and workshops. Our team provides a unique perspective to address issues that arise where staff, whom often have a specific field of expertise, may require a deeper understanding of roles within the wider government context.
Complex proejct and not sure if we can assist?
Most projects don't fit into a neat box so that makes it hard to determine exactly what advice and support you might need.
We only commit to supporting those projects where we will add real value. If we are not the best fit for both parties, we can find you a partner who will be.
© FPL Advisory Pty Ltd 2024